Top 5 Tips for Kitchen Renovation

     If you get bored with the look or if you kitchen is not in great shape, and you do not have the budget for all new kitchen then you must be thinking about renovation your good old kitchen. Fist even for renovation kitchen you need a budget, smaller then for new kitchen but you will still need money. Now I will try to tell you what I know about renovating kitchens, for that reason I will try to select top five tips for kitchen renovation. Lets start:

  1. Determine cabinet heights. First of all what you should do is to set the cabinets height. This is the point to start renovating kitchen because now you can change your cabinet high. You had a chance to see is the old cabinets height and from the experience you had now should know is it good of you need more or less.

  2. Select quality materials. This is also very important step in a kitchen renovation. You have to take sades. There are two sides in selecting materials for your kitchen. You should select between high quality – expensive and lower quality – cheaper materials. Now as you know high quality is more lasting then lower quality and that means that with lower quality materials you will have to renovate your kitchen again sooner.

  3. Avoid maintenance nightmares. When you select the quality of the materials, no matter if it's high or low quality, you must avoid maintenance nightmares. Because there are materials that loos great but are very hart to maintain, so be aware
  1. Decide whether to paint or print. When you chose material for your new renovated kitchen, you should decide do you want to paint to print or to live it in a natural wood look of the front doors. Now days there are many choices from painting or printing some designs on the wood of your new kitchen. With painting or printing you will have unique design and the interior of your home will look just like you want. First time in the World kitchen renovation Melbourne made kitchen cabinet with printing. 
  1. Incorporate an adjacent dining room. Last but not the least you should get your new kitchen design to be in the same style as your dining room. Because if you get different kitchen then dining room your job will not be perfect and you will not be satisfied with your home.


  1. I like you tips Nico! i think they are really useful, especial for me. I am planning to renovate my kitchen in August. Thx for sharing!

  2. Very helpful. I too plan on renovating next summer, so I will bookmark these useful tips. Cheers


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