What is Precision Engineering?

Precision engineering is a branch in mechanical and electrical engineering that includes design and building of industrial tools and instruments. What sets the precision engineering services apart from the other services for making industrial products, is the unmatched level of precision. Simply put, the products that are made with precision engineering are made with the highest degree of accuracy, in the exact design, size and position specifications as predetermined. Precision engineering services are used in many industries for manufacturing a wide range of industrial parts and products, for which a focus to details is of vital importance. An example of industry, where this type of services are used is the automotive industry. In addition, here are the main principles of the precision engineering services:
Precision Engineering Services

Precise Movements

It is the precision in the movements one of the main factors that help engineers develop complex designs with high level of accuracy and special attention to even the smallest details. This results in increased performance and efficiency of the machines which are comprised of precision engineered parts.


Designing and manufacturing smaller parts while not compromising the precision is not an issue with the precision engineering services. This enables achieving the same function while maximizing the space utilization, by fitting the same number of parts in a much smaller area. Thanks to the possibility of minimization of certain electrical parts, now complex electrical circuits are integrated into most new models of cars. In the past, this was almost impossible to obtain, mainly due to the bulky structure of the same circuits.

Reduced Wear and Tear

The more precise construction and the reduction of space between the components of a given machine, contribute to a significant reduction of the degree of wear and tear between the components of the machine. And, less wear and tear means less repair, less parts replacement or in other word, increased lifespan of the machine.

Better Quality Control

With the use of higher precision machines and equipment, the mistakes rate is reduced significantly. The significantly reduced number of mistakes during the production of the engineered parts results in reduced waste and time, money and effort spent on repairing the mistakes.

Uniformed Mass Production

In big industries such as the automotive industry, mass production is vital for obtaining the desired degree of performance, productivity and efficiency. However, mass production is much more complicated than producing several parts at once. This is because of the risk of deviance in production, or in other words the unwanted outcome of all products not being made in accordance to the previously set specifications. This is not an issue with the precision engineering services. Namely these services enable mass production with high level of precision and uniformity, which means that all of the parts are made equal, with same design specifications.


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