Introducing the Process of Composting

With industrialisation taking up such a role in our lives, where we simply cannot imagine humanity evolving further without the benefits of machinery, we have forgotten to some degree what it means to be close to nature. While in the past food products, fruits and vegetables were grown naturally, much of the work nowadays is industrialised. More often than not we hear of the degree of toxic materials that find their way on our plates. Many people see gardening as their rescue. There is some joy of planting your own food and seeing it grow, plus you know what you use when growing it. If you are among those people, you are probably aware of the composting process and its importance in gardening. But what exactly is composting?

Composting is the natural technique of decomposing (or simply said rotting) organic waste. It takes some knowledge to be sure which waste components specifically can be joined to get the wanted outcome, the period it takes to decompose and the procedures to be done. Once compost is ready, it is the best fertiliser there is to enable full plant growth. It cannot get more eco-friendly than this and it is the reason why it is becoming so popular. The great thing is you can do it in both indoor and outdoor conditions and depending on that you will be able to choose from the variety of compost bins for sale. Indoor compost bins are usually smaller and can be placed right in your kitchen. The affordable Maze Kitchen Composter is a good example as it is the type of bin that does not require air for decomposing.

To create compost, you can use almost anything that finds its way in your kitchen (from scraps of fruit and vegetables, teabags, to eggshells), parts of plants (i.e. leaves, flowers, roots), including sawdust as the special ingredient. Compost is a mixture of brown and green waste, brown being rich in carbon, while green is rich in nitrogen. Along with this, compost contains potassium, also a nutrient of quality, essential for the growth of plants. Not lacking in other nutrients, compost is abundant in a great deal of iron, zinc, manganese and magnesium, which is not the case with chemical fertilisers. These nutrients are crucial for decomposing because they help make an environment fit for the required microorganisms to start heating up. You have to avoid moist that could slow down the process because microorganisms thrive in warm conditions.

This is why you will find most outdoor compost bins are black, since it is the colour that absorbs heat the most. When the process reaches its peak, the temperature starts decreasing and it is then that you have to do some maintenance, turn the compost and aerate it to enable further rotting. When you invest in the adequate bin it is important to have this in mind. Looking through the compost bins for sale you will be able to find just what you need to suit your compost needs. If you are not much into doing the maintenance yourself, the rotating compost bin is a type especially designed for easy turning. The 300L Eco Master Tough Compost Bin is ideal for assembling compost without the use of tools thanks to its ventilation system so it practically does all the work for you.

Quality compost bins come with convenient warranty as well as instruction manuals so you know exactly what to do to keep your composting process going with a pleasant smell.


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