Jesus Is Book Review

I believe that Jesus Is is a book that every Christian should take the time to read. For me, the most positive thing about the book is talking mainly about what Jesus lived for our salvation and righteousness. It is a book that calls us to return to a simple faith in a simple person - Jesus.

In the book, the author Judah Smith, suggest us to stop worrying so much about our actions and, instead, find peace in the finished work of Jesus. If you a person looking for salvation, you should seriously consider reading the Jesus Is book.

By reading just a very few pages, I could realise that Judah Smith is sure about what he is writing. He offers a bit of a disclaimer about how he wants his intended message to be delivered, which was for me a hilarious undertone to the entire book. And I have to confess that his sincerity is palpable. I say that because he has his ways to intertwine his real-life experiences with straight talk about the Bible and what all Jesus is for us.

Another thing that I really enjoyed about this book is the central simplicity focus on Jesus Christ. The book brings our attention back to what our faith is really about, but sometimes we can get so caught up with other subjects that we often forget what is truly all about. Even though most of the concepts in this book may not be new for you, like they weren't for me, they will sure refresh you and remind you of the simplicity of faith. I believe that the author chapter on Jesus Is Grace, is exceptionally good and necessary within all the heretical teaching that has been going around about grace in the last years. And I also enjoyed the author focus on the prodigal son story and how we often focus on the son and not on the important actions of the father.

I have to say, if you are a more traditional person, you may not like the author writing style. Judah Smith is clear, blunt and personally writes like he talks. If found out that many of his chapters were sermons he has preached in the past. But as I said before, Jesus Is is pretty simplistic.

Overall, I think that Jesus Is is a good read for an older believer who needs to be refreshed and an amazing read for individuals who don't have much experience in faith but have interest to learn more about Jesus, in an easy to read, fun way.


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