Types of Active Sitting Stools

Leading a sedentary lifestyle can have detrimental effects to overall health and wellbeing. However, when you have a 9 to 5 job that requires you to sit at your desk and respond to emails, organize worksheets, plan business meetings and complete many others office tasks, spending long periods in a seated position is hard to avoid. Some of the health problems that can occur due to prolonged static sitting include back pain, poor posture, joint pain, cardiovascular disease, to name a few. Many office workers have the habit to slouch their body while working on the desk and this position puts more pressure on the back and neck, thus leading to pain, stiffness and reduced range of motion.

One of the main reasons why poor posture is so prominent in the modern office it the impractical design of office furniture that fails to provide the desired level of comfort and efficiency that is needed for creating a healthy and productive work space. That's why more and more business owners are updating their office furniture with ergonomic pieces that are designed to promote active sitting and help create a more comfortable and productive modern office.
Active Sitting Stool

As the piece of office furniture that can restrict or encourage movement, the office chair plays a major role in creating a work space that promotes activity, efficiency and productivity. By investing in an active sitting stool you can easily turn your office into a hub of activity. There are some essential features to look out for when choosing an active sitting stool. You would want a model that is lightweight, so you can easily move it from one place to another and always have with you a cosy and practical sitting surface wherever you're working in the office. Also, make sure the chair is height-adjustable, so you can quickly modify it to best suit your height.

There are various types of active sitting stools that have different features and benefits, yet all of them are designed to promote wellness, comfort and creativity in modern office spaces.

Swopper Saddle Chair 

With its practical design and advanced features, the swopper saddle chair can be the ideal choice for creating an active and comfortable work environment. It features a cushioned seat with a distinctive shape that promote better posture and provides a variety of movements, tilting and bouncing begin just some of them. As most active sitting stools, the swopper is height-adjustable and can be customized to fit many different desk models.

Muvman Chair

As the perfect combination of form and function, the muvman office chair is designed to provide active sitting by making you balance your body on its cushioned seat. To do this you need to do various movements that keep your joints and muscles active throughout the day. The chair features a large base that is designed to provide enhanced support to the seat, so you can safely and easily sit or lean against it. Its advanced design allows you to easily switch from a sitting to a standing position and keep your body actively engaging during the work hours.

Kneeling Posture Chair 

Unlike other types of active chairs that provide comfortable and active sitting or leaning against a support, the kneeling posture chair, as its name implies is all about keeping the body in a subtle kneeling position that promotes better posture. The chair feature a seat cushion that is designed to provide enhanced back support and a knee pad where you place your legs to place your body in a cosy kneeling position. This working position encourages enhanced blood flow and can improve your posture, which in turn can alleviate back pain and neck stiffness that are a direct result of prolonged sitting at the desk.


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