How to Clean and Maintain Different Types of Upholstery

Few things can ruin the beauty of your furniture as stains. As much as you try to keep your furniture clean, it's inevitable that it will get a few stains here and there, whether that be from foods, beverages or the cheerful play of your pet. The sofa is often a favourite spot of dogs where they like to jump, play or simply lay down and rest.

While dog footprints are an obvious sign that your furry companion has been chilling out on your sofa, there are some stains that seem to have a mysterious origin. Well, many people are not familiar with the fact that dog saliva can easily stain furniture. Therefore, next time you notice a mysterious stain on your sofa on the spot where your dog has been playing or resting, this might very well be dog saliva. If removed immediately saliva won't cause any damage to your sofa, however it the stain has already dried out then it can be hard to remove it properly without affecting the furniture fabric.

To restore the initial beauty of your furniture you have to put in a little bit more effort. The best way to remove unsightly stains is by using the right furniture fabric cleaner that can effectively clean and refresh the look of your sofa, armchairs, ottomans and other kind of furniture. There are various types of cleaners that have different features and uses. To choose the best one for your needs, you should first consider the type of furniture fabric that you will be cleaning. Different materials require the use of a different furniture fabric cleaner.

Combined Upholstery 

As it's name implies, combined upholstery is made of a mix of man-made and natural fibres. The mix often contains cotton combined with a certain type of synthetic material. Stem cleaning is one of the best clean this type of upholstery. It's a method based on hot water extraction mixed with a gentle solvent or cleaning solution which can be used to dissolve dirt and unpleasant odours as well as effectively remove

Natural Upholstery

Made from 100% cotton, wool or some other kind of material, natural upholstery can be tricky to clean. Considering the fact that natural materials tend to absorb a significant amount of moisture, wet cleaning is not an option in this case. Stem cleaning is recommended, however you need to be carefully with the amount of fabric cleaning you're applying on the furniture. I would recommend getting a water-based cleaner that is not too harsh on natural materials.

Microfibre Upholstery

Made from a larger number of fibres closely arranged next to each other, microfibre upholstery has a dense texture that is less prone to staining than other types of fabrics. This makes it one of the easiest to clean. You can use a brush or a vacuum cleaner to get rid of dirt and mild stains. A quality fabric cleaner can be great for removing tough stains.


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